
IONICON Analytik was founded 1998 as a spin-off company of the University of Innsbruck, Austria commercializing an innovative technology called Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry. Since then IONICON has been improving this leading-edge technology resulting in the development of several types of ultra sensitive high resolution online mass spectrometers for monitoring and quantification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in sub-pptv level concentrations.

Today IONICON is the world’s leading producer of trace gas analyzers with market-leading, real-time, single-digit pptv-level detection limits using the unique Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and Selective Reagent Ionization – Mass Spectrometry (SRI-MS) technology. IONICON product portfolio includes quadrupole MS and time of flight MS based instruments, air monitoring solutions and custom built TOF-MS, complemented by IONICON own range of trace calibration devices and accessories.

IONICON developed own “ioniTOF” time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer platform that produce in-house for PTR-TOFMS series instruments and APi-TOF systems. IONICON also strive to let others benefit from our customizable, affordable ioniTOF ecosystem for research and OEM applications.

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PTR-QMS 1000

PTR-QMS 1000 Ultra

PTR-QMS 4000

PTR-QMS 6000 x2


Gas Calibration Unit

Liquid Calibration Unit